Stop harmful technology

In the

Fulham Broadway



Michael Mansfield QC 2020




The ‘Say No To 5G’ campaign in LB Hammersmith & Fulham has produced a

community newsletter, ‘Streets Ahead’, on 5G and related technology.



References for Streets Ahead, Fulham Edition, 2021


Fulham Broadway Ward - high levels of radiation  

Peak readings plus technical references (PDF)

Sustained readings (PDF)


Take action:

H&F page – contact your MP / councillors


Kate’s Petition page, and Cllr Coleman response

Kate’s question to Full Council meeting, Jan 2020 (audio, item 5.4)


H&F advice from PHE

ICNIRP criticised

Disclaimers from ICNIRP & PHE (via solicitors, see latter reference, p.10).

“A public body must determine how much weight to put on the PHE guidance.  Equally that body must determine what other evidence from your client or other members of the public or interested parties to consider in making any decision. If it be alleged that a public body now or in the future acted unlawfully in placing reliance on the guidance, that cannot retrospectively taint the guidance with illegality”


‘Plastic head’ testing, covered in a CeCe Doucette video

Chief Medical Officer and government on the dangers of mobile exposure

PHE Freedom of Information Request 673. "The health impact of emissions"

PHE Freedom of Information Request 535. "radiation levels"

Doctors “PHE not fit for purpose’


EU document on EMF exposure effects

US Senator Blumenthal exposes lack of 5G safety testing


Action Against 5G court case on medical evidence

Action Against 5G on related legal actions and views

To donate to Action Against 5G legal action

Michael Mansfield QC made Freeman of the Borough of H&F

Mansfield report on NW London NHS, ‘Shaping a Healthier Future’

Mansfield, as Chair of the Independent Healthcare Commission, discusses the report


List of schools/wireless material shared with H&F Council

Our Links page for more material on 5G, pamphlets, videos, etc


H&F resident reaction to LED Lights


Government plans to ease imposing masts, consultation results

‘enable sites to be upgraded for 5G and for mast sharing without prior approval

…enable building-based masts nearer to highways… higher new masts…’

Original consultation (spin warning!)


H&F page – more on the technology locally (incl ‘small cells’)

NB This also covers issues like the lack of business justification, security and insurability.




Other reference material of interest


Damage to trees by radiation

This is covered by the following material


Studies, including one long-term, into the damage caused by RF (microwave) radiation.


Sci Total Environ. 2016 Dec 1;572:554-569.

Waldmann-Selsam C, Balmori-de la Puente A, Breunig H, Balmori A.

Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations.

“Statistical analysis demonstrated that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone masts is harmful for trees. These results are consistent with the fact that damage afflicted on trees by mobile phone towers usually start on one side, extending to the whole tree over time.”


A German report concluded that it takes exposure below 50 µW/m2 not to damage a tree.

This power density corresponds roughly to electric field strength of 137mV/m. This level has been exceeded at several locations in LBHF this year after the accelerated rollout of masts  (Levels many times this figure have been sustained by main roads locally),



DCMS report: 'The effect of the built and natural environment on millimetric radio waves.'

“…future chopping of trees in the area to prevent the transmission of the signal from being impeded”. 






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